
love letter

A Love Story

Happy valentine’s day everyone! to all single and committed ones out there. On this day we naturally focus on expressions of love and affection. People exchange gifts and express love to each other. We would like to introduce someone who has given the greatest and most precious gift of all time. He traded his own

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worry about money

Bound By Numbers?

It’s disheartening to hear the news of people committing suicide as they can’t meet their ends meet. Of Course yes, we need money for our shelter, clothing and food but ending your life is never a solution. There are times when you are overburdened and shattered with EMIs, electricity bills, loans and always finding it

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Rainbow Revelation

“Be who you are”, is a common phrase in this present age which gives us self satisfaction, Right ??….. But do you know the origin of this caption? It was the caption for the “Pride month” of lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, transgender and Queer movement (LGBTQ). Let’s verify the facts behind this.   In the famous

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Inner Peace

Enroute To Inner Peace

Life can be like a complicated maze. In today’s modern world, we are running after a lot of things. Everywhere we turn, a problem might arise as a block. Beyond a point, it can frustrate us, make us hopeless, depressed and exhausted. We might barely get any time for ourselves. Despite all that, we may

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No Longer Chained - Set Free

No Longer Chained

Imagine you have a favorite food. Every time you enjoy this food, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine, which makes you feel good and motivated. But what if you started eating that food all the time, even when you’re not hungry, neglecting other meals and activities you used to enjoy? There are certain substances

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A Journey through Grief

A Journey Through Grief

Pain, sorrow, anger, numbness, loneliness, these are all natural feelings we have when we are coping with the loss of a loved one. None of these feelings are wrong, rather they are the emotions that come with grief and are part of being human.    The Holy Bible explains ” A time to be born

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Patience at its breaking point?

Cherry blossoms – a beautiful sight in pink. These flowers bloom for just two weeks in a year. The rest of the year, the trees which flowers them – Prunus – stay flowerless. In our fast moving world, a life which isn’t colourful might be seen as in vain. You might question, what’s the whole

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Good Deeds 2024

Good Deeds Take A Backseat

Did the question come to your mind “how can that 1 stone weigh more than those 5 stones?” It might look illogical, but it’s not. Let’s see how.   First let’s take a quick peek at a story. There was a son who lost all of the fortune he got from his father on worldly

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