Never been loved !!

Rejections, betrayals and humiliations: scars our heart like this broken heart. A recent survey shows, 1 in 4 adults feels lonely and not loved. It’s normal to wish for someone to love and to be loved. Every person carries an emptiness within, a void only love can satisfy. In reality,  there is no love on this earth that will quench your thirst to be loved. But that is not the end. Many have experienced a long-lasting love and companionship of ‘The One‘. 


Yes, the majority just asked the same question that popped up in your mind now. “Is there someone like that, how come I’ve never felt that love before?”. Love is felt from the way people express it. And to understand how it’s expressed, one has to know the person.


He created your innermost being and knit you in your mother’s womb, just like how a software is best known by the one who coded it. He knows you inside out as He created you wonderfully and fearfully. He decided where you should be born and where you should live. He knows every intricate detail about you, including the number of hairs on your head. He knows all your darkest secrets. He knows the worst that you have done, even the things that make you hate yourself. He is ‘The One’ who can heal our broken hearts.


People all over the world, through ages, claim “He is no ordinary person. He is the King above all Kings. The earth obeys to His commands. He calls the stars by their names. He is of the highest stature and is perfect in every way. It’s impossible to imagine such a person ever loving us. But yes, this amazing person loves you and calls you His own. His name is Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ loves you and is waiting to have companionship with you, if you’ll let Him. The Holy Bible says, if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8)”. Even if your mother and father forsake you, He will never abandon you (Psalms 27:10). The invitation is open to you. The riches of love awaits you. Draw near to God to experience His Love.


To know more about what this person did for you, read —(Psalms‬ ‭139:13‭-‬14, Acts 17:26, Isaiah 43:1, Luke 12:7, Hebrews 4:13, Psalms 147:1:3-5)


Malayalam Version

ഈ പേജിന്റെ മലയാളം പതിപ്പ് വായിക്കാൻ വ്യൂ ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക

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